Manaslu Circuit Trek Map

Manaslu Circuit Trek Map

The map for the Manaslu Circuit Trek is a helpful tool for people going on this amazing adventure around Mount Manaslu, the eighth-highest mountain globally. The Manaslu Circuit Trek Map is designed to keep things simple and practical, aiming to make your trekking experience even better.

The blue circle on the map indicates the starting and ending points. The blue triangle indicates the mountain. The red circle on the map indicates the destination point, and the grey circle indicates the accommodation.

Starting your scenic drive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola, you will begin your trek from Soti Khola. The map guides you going up in valleys, providing information about the altitude, which helps plan your day. Also, this map is made perfectly to acclimate your body, showing where you should stay and how much height you should take in one day.

The map points out important stops like Soti Khola, Machha Khola, and Jagat at the beginning. As you climb higher, you’ll reach villages like Namrung, Shyala, and Samagaun, where people have a culture influenced by Tibet.

One challenging part shown on the map is going up to Larkya La Pass, which is really high at 5160 meters. But once you make it, you get to see awesome views of the mountains, though it needs careful walking because it’s steep and high.

After that, you come down to Bhimtang, a quiet valley, and then to Dharapani and Besisahar, finishing the whole trek. The map helps plan each day, figuring out how far to go and where to rest.

The Manaslu Circuit Trek map also talks about cool side trips, like going to Mu Gompa, located at 3800 m. From this viewpoint, you can see the magnificent view of the Shringi Himal if you want more adventure. It tells you where you can find tea houses, monasteries, and hot springs for resting and enjoying the local culture.

In short, the Manaslu Circuit Trek map is a super useful tool, ensuring you find your way through the sometimes tough but always rewarding landscapes. It helps you see and experience the beauty of the Manaslu region and the culture of the people living there.

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