Annapurna Base Camp Trek Map

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Map

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek map displays the Annapurna Sanctuary and surrounding area in north-central Nepal. With the detailed network of trails throughout the region, the map provides the required information. 

The outlines and elevation written alongside destinations help visualize the major changes in terrain. Different symbols indicate lodges, peaks, transportation, and other key landmarks along the trekking route. 

The hiking trail is clearly marked and divided into major sections with place names alongside. Key mountains are labeled with summit elevations. The proper drawing of the map shows the necessary information for guiding the trek’s direction. 

With the right details, the Annapurna Base Camp Trek map allows you to navigate through the spectacular scenarios of the Annapurna region.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek Route

The Annapurna Base Camp trek typically starts from the capital city of Kathmandu, where trekkers fly or drive to the lake city of Pokhara to begin the journey. From Pokhara, a short drive takes you to Nayapul, the starting point for the trek into the Annapurna region.

The first major stop along the route is Birthanti, where stone houses and temples showcase traditional Nepali architecture. Continuing through forests and valleys leads you to Tikhedhunga, where guesthouses offer views of the Fishtail and Annapurna South mountains. A challenging ascent up stone steps brings you to Ghorepani Poon Hill, a prime viewpoint for sunrise vistas over the entire Annapurna range.

From Ghorepani, the trail continues to Tadapani through rhododendron forests with more mountain panoramas along the way. Descending into the Chhomrong River Valley brings the route to Chhomrong village, with its busy stone stairways lined with lodges and shops. Further along is the Himalayan Hotel overlooking the valley with Hiunchuli Mountain in the backdrop.

The landscape becomes more sparse beyond the Himalayan Hotel, eventually reaching Annapurna Base Camp at 4,130m. Encircled by Annapurna’s soaring ice cliffs and glaciers, the base camp rests underneath the summit of Annapurna I. After relishing views from inside the Annapurna Sanctuary, the return journey follows routes through bamboo forests to Jhinu Danda hot springs and back to Nayapul.

The last leg returns to Pokhara for some leisure time along its lakeside before making the trip back to Kathmandu, completing the entire Annapurna Base Camp trek. Typically covering 130km over 10-15 days, the trek reveals the incredible diversity of scenery and culture within Nepal’s most famous Himalayan region.

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